Module Library

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Base module: User accounts and Roles

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Current version: 3.4.2


Media management library for Manifesto

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Current version: 3.4.2

Shopping Cart

Basic shopping cart functionality for use with any of the commerce-enabled modules.

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Current version: 3.2

Basic Events

Generate a date-aware listing of upcoming events. Compatible with FormBuilder for attaching registration forms.

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Current version: 3.0


Drag 'n' drop form creation, with database, download, and email support.

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Current version: 3.0

HTML Rotator

A simple Foundation-based slideshow for pictures and text.

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Current version: 3.0

Shopping Contributions

Adds the ability to handle donations with small surveys as part of the checkout process

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Current version: 3.0


Create user and editorial dashboards for quick overviews of content from any dashboard-compliant module.

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Current version: 2.5

Faker Maker

Faker Maker provides an interface to use the Faker PHP library for generating fake data. Great for development and testing.

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Current version: 2.5

Press Releases

A repository for dated Press Release postings.

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Current version: 2.5


For news sites: assign events for editors and reporters

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Current version: 1.7